A Sims 4 custom content set
This restaurant cc sims 4 includes 42 items:
1. Chef cooking station (with or without window – REQUIRES DINE OUT DLC) | 2. Hood (available in short/medium/tall version) | 3. Kitchen door | 4. Fridge | 5. Cooking pots pile | 6. Cooking pot | 7. Pans pile | 8. Knifes rack | 9. Cutting table | 10. Stove | 11. Cutting table with cupboard | 12. Restaurant sign (available in SIMLISH version) | 13. Restaurant icon sign | 14. Host station (REQUIRES DINE OUT DLC – basegame/decor version available) | 15. Waiter station (REQUIRES DINE OUT DLC – basegame/decor version available) | 16. Clean dishes | 17. Dirty dishes | 18. Peppers on cutting board | 19. Wall shelf | 20. Sink | 21. Light wall menu | 22. Reserved sign (available in SIMLISH version) | 23. Napkins | 24. Trays pile | 25. Round large table | 26. Menus pile | 27. Cups pile | 28. Condiment caddy | 29. Plates pile | 30. Bread on cutting board | 31. Patio heater | 32. Round small table | 33. Square small table | 34. Dining chair | 35. Bread basket

- Includes 42 items
- 4 items requires the Dine Out DLC (2 cooking stations and the host & waiter stations). Everything else is basegame compatible. The basegame/decor version of the waiter station has glasses and the basegame version of the host station doesn’t have the phone.
- The Dine Out host station doesn’t have slots for decor items as it was not working with it. Use bb.moveobjects and 0-9 to add objects, or T.O.OL.
- Menus has simlish swatches while the reserved and restaurant signs are separated package. You can choose to include them or not.
- All items are lowpoly except for the 2 cooking stations (11k)
If you like this custom content…
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