I started a tumblr a week ago and I’ve already got 100+ followers, I can’t believe it ! Thank you everyone so much for your appreciation and for building amazing interiors with my sets.
If you’re still not follow me, you can check it out : syboubou.tumblr.com
I’ll continue creating items just because you love it and that makes me happy.

I made an animated and functional fan for your sims’ interior because we’re are hitting a heatwave and i’m melting on my chair while working on my next set. It can be turn on and off 🙂
– Mesh all by hand
– low poly
– 10 swatches
– animated & functional
– basegame compatible
[Update 24/01/2021: Updated link]
You can also follow me on instagram ! @s4cc.syboubou
Merci ! <3