A Sims 4 custom content set
This cottage build cc sims 4 cc sims 4 includes 14 items:
1. Truc | 2. Truc | 3. Truc | 4. Truc | 5. Truc | 6. Sink | 7. Mirror | 8. Toilet | 9. Shelf | 10. Truc | 11. Truc | 12. Truc | 13. Truc | 14. Truc | 15. Truc | 16. Truc

This is a new build set for the farm/cottage collection. I made two functional wooden columns with assorted functional spandrel, and then added sliding barn doors, stable doors and round top front doors, with cute windows. I also included a new platform+foundation and a deco awning for the front or your building !
- Includes 21 items
- Everything is basegame compatible and low poly
- Barn and stables doors are available for all three heights, with several right/left/single/double variations.