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Playa beach cc sims 4

A Sims 4 custom content set

This beach cc sims 4 includes 15 items:
1. Wicker bag | 2. Kiddie pool (requires Seasons DLC) | 3. Beach ball | 4. Umbrella | 5. Swimsafe armbands (decor & CAS version) | 6. Sandcastle | 7. Seashells | 8. Sand toys | 9. Towel (functional with island living or decor basegame) | 10. Straw hat | 11. Snorkeling mask & flippers | 12. Flipflops | 13. Magazine & sunglasses 


  • Includes 15 new items
  • Everything is lowpoly
  • Most items are basegame  compatible EXCEPT the kiddie pool (requires Seasons) and the towel (requires Island living). The towel has a decor basegame version.
  • The swimsafe armbands are available in CAS for toddlers to wear (accessory category)
  • The sandcastle is functional as a dollhouse !





UPDATE 04/12/2024: Fixed CAS toddler swimband causing bug in color filtering
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