A Sims 4 custom content set
This bakery cc sims 4 includes 33 items:
1. Barista counter | 2.3. Refrigerated display (basegame item but required Get To Work to be functional) | 4. Counter display | 5. Coffee grinder (basegame item but required Get Together to be functional) | 6. Counter | 7. Cash register (basegame item but required Get To Work to be functional) | 8. Espresso machine (basegame item but required Get Together to be functional) | 9. Counter island | 10. Wall shelf | 11. Ceiling decoration (available for all 3 heights) | 12. Tray with papercups | 13. Papercup | 14. Paper box | 15. Macarons box | 16. Paper bag | 17. Macarons plate | 18. Cas apron | 19.Upside down cups | 20. Black coffee cup | 21. Lattee coffee cup | 22. Light sign | 23. Menu

When I started this set, I wanted to make a small one as all the previous were quite big. My first intention was to make a functional espresso machine from Get Together, as someone told there were none. And then things got a little out of hand, and here it is again, a big set.
This set will give you a lot of new items to create a macaron shop/bakery. Espresso machine and coffee grinder will need Get Together DLC to be functional, but I added some decor ones if you don’t own it. The barista counter has slots for them, even if it’s a basegame item. Cash register is also basegame but will be functional if you own Get To Work. Finally, all written items have simlish swatches, and I even recolor an apron from @Dissia so your sim and coworker can have a assorted apron while working !
I will upload the build tomorrow !
- Includes 33 items
- Everything is basegame compatible except the espresso machine and coffee grinder that will need Get Together to be functional BUT I included basegame decor version. The cash register will need Get To Work to be functional, same as the glass displays to be refrigerated.
- Everything is lowpoly or reasonably low except the espresso machine (12k), the tray with cups (7k) and ceiling decoration (7k)
- You’ll need Dissia Apron’s mesh for the apron recolor. It’s an accessory (right bracelet) and the texture is in the hat space, which means your sim cannot have a hat while wearing this apron.
- All written items have either simlish version or separated simlish version.